The anime series is accompanied by spin-off programming including Pokémon Chronicles, a series of side stories and the live-action variety and Pokémon-related news shows such as Pocket Monsters Encore, Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station, Pokémon☆Sunday, Pokémon Smash!, Pokémon Get☆TV and Meet Up at the Pokémon House? Joined by his partner Pokémon Pikachu and a rotating cast of human characters, currently Goh, Ash goes on a journey to become a 'Pokémon Master', travelling through the various regions of the Pokémon world and competing in various Pokémon-battling tournaments known as the Pokémon League. Each of the series follows Ash Ketchum, a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon. In the international broadcasts, these series are split across 24 television seasons, with the 24th season now streaming on Netflix in the United States (with additional episodes to be released quarterly). The anime franchise consists of seven sequential series in Japan, each based on a main installment of the Pokémon video game series. Pokémon ( Japanese: ポケモン, Hepburn: Pokémon), abbreviated from the Japanese title of Pocket Monsters ( ポケットモンスター, Poketto Monsutā) and currently advertised in English as Pokémon the Series, is a Japanese anime television series, part of The Pokémon Company's Pokémon media franchise, which began broadcast in Japan on TV Tokyo in April 1997.
8 TV specials (3 full-length, 5 normal-length).